Favorite 4: Morning Meditations (1st edition)
Now, you do not need to be an expert meditator, whatever that is, you just need to sit down on the floor on a pillow, or sit on edge of couch with feet flat on floor. If sitting is uncomfortable you can lay down (when I do this I like to put my feet up on something!). I have had a much better experience when listening to the meditations with headphones, specifically noise cancelling headphones if you have them. This helps to block out distractions and helps you focus on whatever the video is saying. I like to wake up before the dogs (between 5 and 6am) and go into the other room (crack a window if it’s nice). If Captain wakes up early he will come into the room and lay next to me and wait so if you need to, close the door!
- Guided Morning Wake-Up with Positive Affirmations ~3 minutes You can do this!
2. Morning Meditation with Deepak Chopra ~6 minutes Love this one!! You get better and better at sticking to and reciting the 4 affirmations he gives the more you do this one.
3. Guided Morning Meditation with Miki Ash ~11 minutes Love her voice, very soothing and gentle and love the visualization she has you do. It’s interesting to see what images come to you here and if they change every time you do it or stay the same.
4. Connect with Your Inner Goddess ~22 minutes Sorry, this tends to be a more female focused one! But is still relaxing for anyone. Also, it’s long, I have listened to this one while laying down and it can be very soothing!
You can try one a day for next few days or stick with one for a full week. As I’ve gotten familiar with them they become easier to get comfortable listening to because I know what to expect, perhaps. Enjoy and let me know which one is your favorite or if you have another to share from your own list!