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New Hampshire



Home to the 500,000+ acre Green Mountain National Forest and 5 high peaks (4,000 feet), there is so much to see & hike in Vermont. Click for all Vermont hiking posts!

New Hampshire

Home to the White Mountains and 48 mountains over 4,000 feet, there is no shortage of adventure in NH. Click for all hiking in New Hampshire posts!

woman and two dogs on top of camels hump in vermont at sunset with golden sun and green mountains
Connecticut | Massachusetts | New Hampshire | Vermont

27 Best Hikes & Views in New England (From a Local!)

Wondering about the best hikes in New England?! Whether you’re looking for the tallest mountains, the best views, hikes along the famous and longest hiking footpath in the world (the Appalachian Trail), or lesser-known or kid-friendly hikes worth doing – you’ve come to the right place! In my decades of living and hiking in New…